Tuesday, 30 July 2013




The Supreme challenge to anyone facing catastrophic loss involves facing the darkness of the loss on the one hand, and learning to live with renewed vitality and gratitude on the other..............Loss can diminish us but it can also expand us...........Loss can function as a catalyst to transform us – Jerry Sitser

As we proceed through the Grief Cycle, we have come to the most contentious of the steps. We live in a world that tells us that depression is bad; if you are depressed you should just snap out of it etc. But depression is a step to recovery through the Cycle of Grief. (Kübler Ross)  

4 things we should know about depression in grief:

1.    Depression is universal and no respecter of persons (La Haye)

2.    Depression is a natural response to loss

3.    Depression includes a component of anger whether visible or invisible, whether conscious or unconscious.

4.    This is not Clinical depression, it should pass after a few months 

There are so many misconceptions regarding depression so what is it really, can we define it?


(Self-pity may be considered normal, and in certain circumstances healthy, so long as it is fleeting and leads to either acceptance or a determination to change the situation.) What we have learnt as abnormal and detrimental can become the pathway towards acceptance and healing.

What symptoms to look out for:

ü Unconnectedness

ü Profound sense of sadness

ü Hopelessness, pessimism

ü Losing interest in favourite things

ü Sleep routine disturbed

ü Change in eating habits

ü Substantial loss of energy

ü Hard to concentrate

ü Thoughts of suicide

ü Impacting your spiritual life

ü Unforgiveness

(Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for You (God) are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. Ps 23:4)

When we try to mask our depression it will show itself in other ways i.e. hypochondria, aggression or impulsive behaviour e.g. drinking alcohol, gambling, working to forget the pain (Collins)

The most important thing I wish to convey in this blog is that “Depression is not a sin!” nor can it be prevented in grief.

  • Take care of your physical body – nutrition, sleep, exercise
  • Keep moving – don’t allow yourself to lie around
  • Catch those negative thoughts – talk them over with someone you trust or write them down.  It is better to get them out into the open where you can deal with them.
  • Eliminate untrue beliefs
  • Find an accountability partner – someone who will call you just to make sure you are okay and up and about.
  • Connect with others
  • Get professional help if needed
  • Forgive ( we will deal more with this next week)
  • Meditate on God’s word and Journal, journal, journal

“We’ve been surrounded and battered by troubles, but we’re not demoralised; we’re not sure what to do, but we know that God knows what to do; we’ve been spiritually terrorised, but God hasn’t left our side; we’ve been thrown down, but we haven’t broken.” (2 Cor 4:6-9 Msg)

The Jewish Mourner’s Kaddish is a prayer bringing praise and glory to God and is said at every prayer meeting throughout the mourning period.  It is a public declaration (10 or more people) of those who mourn that their faith is still in God.  May we find in this a lesson worth learning, by giving God praise through our grief, not only are we reaffirming our faith but we are raising ourselves to a place beyond this world. It is good to give Him praise and I have learnt that by following this path, even on days when I didn’t feel like it, it was balm for the soul.

Psalm 148:1-5

Praise the Lord from the heavens

Praise Him in the heights above

Praise Him all His angels

Praise Him all His heavenly hosts

Praise Him sun and moon

Praise Him all you shining stars

Praise Him you highest heavens

And you waters above the skies

Let them praise the name of the Lord

For He commanded and they were created.


All is grace



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