Tuesday, 16 July 2013



Corruption comes from the Latin 'cor' and 'rumpere' meaning “Altogether Broken". As freedom is corroded under the weight of corruption in our land, it certainly feels as if our society is broken.

On reflection, brokenness and grief seem to fit together as a hand in a glove. In the Old Testament a tearing of garments signified grief, a symbol of brokenness of heart and spirit.

This week I came across such an interesting journal by *William W. Bostock, PhD., Senior Lecturer in Government at the University of Tasmania, Australia. He stated that overt corruption in organisations (and I would like to add governments), leads to a psychological adjustment by the members within that organisation (or nation). He states that as each occurrence of corruption is exposed, a psychological adjustment is made and becomes visible through the stages of grief being enacted in those who impact and those who are impacted. Please find below how Bostock walks us through the Stages of Grief by Kübler-Ross in relation to corruption:-

1) Denial - denial is felt or stated by both perpetrators and victims. The denial of what is really happening.

2) Anger and fear - anger can lead to whistle-blowing and/or other violent reactions such as demonstrations. Fear leads to a cover up.

3) Bargaining- the perpetrator of corruption may state public regret on being caught out and may negotiate to a point; victims may bargain for some relief.

4) Depression- gloom, demotivation and apathy sets into the hearts of victims after each exposure of corruption.

5) Acceptance and apathy- on acceptance of corruption, a widespread feeling of apathy prevails that nothing can be done to turn back the clock.

It is known that the cost of reform is so much higher than the cost of tolerance and therefore corruption in organisations/nations creates an enormous burden that must be paid for in reduced living standards, health and well being of the people. Corruption delays, distorts and diverts economic growth. I believe that once more: our nation grieves! Bostock suggests that only Rebirth will bring healing, a sense that a new order will be born and the corrupt administration will be left behind.

Bongani Bongwe stated last week on Carte Blanche (TV program in SA), all we seem to do in South Africa is, "Reshuffle the deck chairs on the Titanic".

Do we just throw up our hands in distress? What is required of us?

Bishop Tan Chee Ing states that "Corruption in any form and in any shape –be it bribery, underhandedness, palm-greasing, dishonesty, etc, – breaks the covenant of love according to which we are to love God and neighbour as ourselves (Luke 10:27)".

We know that our God is in the business of Rebirth and Restoration. I would suggest to you that we take note of these stages of grief above to ensure that as we are walking through this Valley of Corruption in our land we personally reach a place, not of apathy, but restoration. Let’s take heed of what God's Word says to us:

And what does the LORD require of you (His child)

But to do justice, to love kindness,

And to walk humbly with your God - Micah 6:8

He is the Lifter of our heads.


*Bostock, WW, The effects of corruption on the collective mental state of organisations, The GSTF Journal of Law and Social Sciences, 1, (2) pp. 69-73. ISSN 2251-2853 (2012) (with permission)

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