Tuesday, 9 July 2013



While reading the daily news, I realise we are in crisis mode in South Africa. We have the following decision to make on how to personally and nationally respond to our circumstances. These are some alternatives:

1.     Peacemaking – overlooking wrongs, reconciliation and mediation between opposing opinions

2.     Escape – denial of problems and/or flight from the problems

3.     Attack – assault the opposition, litigate or murder 
~Sande 2005

Reconciliation should be a constant flow of current through our nation and in our personal lives. I believe much can be attained at a personal level to impact communities as well as nations.

A question I have asked of myself as Nelson Mandela lies critically ill, is this, am I still living in a ‘Spirit of Reconciliation’ or has that dream become tarnished along with our Nation’s decline? In ‘burying the hatchet’ back in 1994 did we bury it in a shallow, well marked grave and now when things are tough, are we ready to dig it all up once more?

We must remember that Nelson Mandela helped powerful men catch the vision, not only to liberate the oppressed but also to restore the future generation (De Gruchy 2002). It is good for us to reflect! It is good to remember where we have come from and take strength for the journey ahead.

Have we forgotten that reconciliation is a relating to others in the here-and-now? Has that vision been lost? If so, it is time once more to examine ourselves. I can make a difference and so can you!

Conflict always begins in the heart. Have we slunk back into “I desire, I demand, I judge and I punish”?  We have the need to recall the lessons brought to us in 1990 when Madiba was released from prison. It is not a conflicting choice of right and wrong but right and right!   The desires of my heart should communicate my response and my behaviour. 

How far have we come in our personal journey of reconciliation? It is :

-a journey from the past into the future
-a journey from estrangement into communion
-a journey from injustice to justice

We are observing an abuse of power and scandal but we must bear in mind that in the past, we had no such freedom of the press; many of us were not bombarded by the atrocities that took place before.

"Peace is costly but it is worth the expense" - African proverb

A great reminder from Paul in pressing on toward the goal :" One thing I do; forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."  Our goal is 'Peacemaking', personally and in community. 

 At this auspicious time may our prayer be that of St Francis of Assisi (excerpt):

Make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith
Where there is despair, hope

Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned.


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