Monday, 26 August 2013


Please excuse the passion in my Blog this week, but my feelings run high as I tackle this destructive fallout in escaping your N. (Remember Narcissists are both male and female).

My story continues:
If you even hint about leaving, escaping, or seeking help, your N will launch a smear campaign against you in the attempt to discredit anything you may say in the present or the future. Most likely, the smear campaign will have begun long before you hear of it.

Why? Because he fears being exposed more than anything else.

"One of the most painful things a survivor deals with during the smear campaign is that she loses people that she wholeheartedly believed cared for her. This can happen literally overnight. It’s very difficult to put things into a balanced and healthy perspective when you are under a heavy burden of the distortions created by the campaigner and those who find him remotely credible. If people believe the predator's narrative of you, you are better off without them" - H.- a survivor of abuse.

The object of the smear campaign is to keep you silent regarding their behaviour towards you and others. The smear campaigner works very hard to get everyone to believe them. They come across as caring, just trying to help you and warn you, as they insinuate their story with just enough question marks to show their concern and of course, they don't want to gossip!

A great concern of mine is that such campaigns are taking place in the Church. The Body is being manipulated and are believing lies which leave the victim no choice.....the innocent must leave. We have to put a stop to this, we have to discern the difference between truth and lies. Surely we have responsibility to care for one another, to approach the other party, to question and to show compassion. We cannot stand back and let this happen!

A successful smear campaign in the church relies on the cooperation of good Christian people who will broadcast your altered story on the grapevine… sorry, the prayer line....

Smear Campaigns require a mob to finish the job the rumourmonger started and just like chickens in a coop, one hen is singled out and the others peck her to death. The originator, who selected the target for destruction, can sit back and enjoy the show while other hens commit an atrocity--

Smear Campaign Tactics:
1.Discredit and isolate the person
2.Play the victim and/or the hero
4.Manufacture fear
5.Label the person
6.Hurt the victim for spite

People question why would they be so nasty, there must be some truth in the story but believe me: This is their way of teaching their victim a lesson for seeing through their lies and their pretence.

“They are sicker than we are smart”~ Sandra Brown, M.A.
Yet surely we begin to discern the difference between what is good and what is evil as we mature in our spiritual walk? Rather ask someone to speak to a Professional Counsellor than allow their story to filter through the Church, this would be a safeguard against any smear eager listeners.

Release from Deception by Francesco Queirolo

Slander, scandal,
sugar and spite,
Right is wronged
and black cast white

Rumours, renouncing,
aspirations and slights
Devouring her prey
In perfidious bites

Remember the etymology of "religion" is "re ligare" and it means "return to bondage". Religion is an evil that has infected Christianity for centuries and exposing the works of darkness is the beginning of the cure. We need to stand firm and not allow such campaigners the space to weave their evil.

I cannot tell you how many such smear campaigns have been let loose in various churches (personal client stories). We, as the Body of Christ, cannot be adding to the hurts of victims of abuse, we cannot be turning our backs on them.....for if we do not discern truth, they will be abandoned by the very ones who should embrace and shepherd them.

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11

Thank God that 'Vindication' comes from Him, He is not the One to turn away from, this I testify to: His mercy says,"NO"

I'm not gonna let you go
I'm not gonna let you slip away
You don't have to be afraid
Mercy said no
- Cece Winans

When others have let you down, know this for sure...Jesus will never leave you, He will never forsake you.


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