We accept unspoken messages such as:
- I am how I look
- I behave
perfectly therefore I am
- I am
perfectly in control therefore I am
- I achieve therefore I am
If these are your mantras, it is obvious you have
set yourself up for a fall. There is no one perfect and I am so much more.
- I
feel that what I accomplish is never quite good enough?
- Is
it not a good thing to get things right, to be the best?
- Am I
craving the approval of others?
- I
will never be good enough.
In ‘The Artist’s Way’, author Julia Cameron
writes:“Perfectionism is a refusal to let yourself move ahead. It is a loop -
an obsessive, debilitating closed system that causes you to get stuck in the
details of what you are writing or painting or making and to lose sight of the
Perfectionism sucks all creativity from us leaving
a dry husk; a needy, craving and unfulfilled human being. We forget so often
that we are a ‘human being’ and not a ‘human doing’!
There is a call to show our weaknesses and
celebrate our mistakes in order to feel fully human. It is only with the
comfort that we have received at times of weakness that we share healing and
comfort with others.
Ring the bells that still can ring,
Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything,
That’s how the light gets in.
-Leonard Cohen
Take a Reality Check!
There is just so much more to
life than endless striving.
May we all once more catch a
glimpse of what “LIFE” is.........?
Somewhere deep in our hearts we already
know that success, fame, influence, power, and money do not give us the inner
joy and peace we crave. Somewhere we can even sense a certain envy of those who
have shed all false ambitions and found a deeper fulfilment in their
relationship with God. Yes, somewhere we can even get a taste of that
mysterious joy in the smile of those who have nothing to lose.
– Henry Nouwen
AND add some colour to your world.....
Perfectionists are colour blind; they see the world in black and white,
seeing in colour is realizing that even though a certain solution to a problem
worked well yesterday, it might not be right for today.
Margs xx
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