An Axiom of Truth
At a time of year when we remember 3 of the Wisest Men of their time who having studied the mysteries of life and astronomy, found a bright star and despite their culture and religion, followed that star that led them to the King of all Kings, Jesus.
I am reminded of 3 unwise men from my own life story who having no commitment to seeking wisdom, got together and sought a path to wealth and power.
The 3 wise men found the Christ child humble in a stable; gave gifts which symbolised Christ's identity and mission: gold for a King, incense for God, and myrrh symbolising a death to be borne. They worshipped Him!
The 3 unwise men found wealth but alas have 'given little' in comparison to its abundance and worship themselves and the idols of sex, money and power.
The 3 wise men heard and obeyed the voice of God warning them which way to go, in doing so they saved the Christ child from an evil and wicked King Herod who aimed to destroy Him.
The 3 unwise men now renowned as fools, have blocked out the voice of God and have followed their own path. All 3 have destroyed their families of origin and have broken the hearts of those nearest and dearest to them.
The 3 wise men returned home wise and full of peace and respected throughout history.
The 3 fools have no peace; these are men who build a 'realm of dominance' in their own honour and for their selfish gain but the walls will crumble and the cry will ring out. 'No peace! and most certainly 'No respect'!
When we seek God with sincere determination, we will find him. He is not hiding from us, but wants to have an intimate relationship with each of us.
Grief is all we have left when observing such selfish lives.
The fool says in his heart, "I have no need for God."
At year end so many women and children struggle through grief from loss. I have walked this road too.....
"She held her grief behind her eyes like an ocean & when she leaned forward into the day it spilled onto the floor & she wiped at it quickly with her foot & pretended no one had seen." -Brian Andreas
I see and know your grief.
With much love at this time.
Xxxxx Margs
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